How to Harness the Power of the Sensorimotor Loop in Your Vocal Learning
Most of us think about movement as mainly involving movement. And even more of us think that in order to improve movement we need to improve movement. This is a typical way of thinking. But, there’s another way. Movement, our movement, is not just a thing we do,...Learning Triggers – and why singers should consider using them…
If you haven’t already, go out and get and read “The Art of Learning” by Josh Waitzkin. Josh was an internationally recognized childhood chess prodigy and later earned the title of world champion in Tai Chi Push Hands (Martial Arts). His book not only chronicles...Voice Teachers, Listen Up! Voice Teaching and Voice Learning Facilitation are two VERY different things…
Sure, we call ourselves voice teachers – which is fine, that’s the accepted term in the marketplace, but just because “teacher” is in the title, does that really have to be what we do? No. As Marie Forleo says, “Sell them what they want, give them what they...In Praise of Variance in Vocal Learni – The Secret to Deep Learning
There is no one “right” way to learn and practice singing. Explore the importance of learning to learn, finding authenticity and spontaneity in performance and making the process of learning fun and enjoyable in my journey to find this powerful new tool!