Even if you’re working with a teacher, you’re always teaching yourself to sing! And of course, you can teach yourself to sing well… if you know how!
Even if you’re working with a teacher, you’re always teaching yourself to sing! And of course, you can teach yourself to sing well… if you know how!
We think of the tongue as one thing, but really it’s a complex organ made of many structures and connects, locally and globally, to many other parts of the self/body. Learning to release and coordinate the tongue in integrated action is key to optimal vocal function and expressivity!
Most of us aren’t aware of phonemes and their incredible power to bring about vocal awareness and learning. And if we are aware of phonemes it’s usually related to diction. But there’s so much more and in this blog I’ll let you in on a few of those phonemic secrets…
Why is it that we seem to have to recover vocally long after we’ve already recovered from some other impactful event – grief, surgery, break-up, move? Why is there often a second recovery after the first? There could be lots of reasons, but for sure there’s one sure-fire way to recover and keep recovering and it’s… PLAY!
We humans are so sneaky: we make problems where there aren’t any and we even find ways to make the fact that something isn’t a problem a problem!
Stop getting in the way of your own learning and start celebrating small improvements.